About the Woodbridge DMCC
As some people may or may not be aware the Woodbridge Club actually started life off as the Rendlesham and District club. During the early part of 1956 a number of enthusiastic motorcyclists from the local area would gather at Dave Williams workshop. The idea of forming a club finally happened in the September of that year with Dave Williams as Chairman and John Easty as Hon. Secretary. At the end of the first year the membership stood at 24 people headed by Dave Williams who constructed his own special trials bike.
1957 saw the Club hold a Sporting Trial at Mr Flemming’s sandpit at Eyke. The highlight of the year was the club’s Gymkhana in mid July and was 2 hours of non-stop fun and action including clowns and fire jumps presented by John Easty. In September some of the club members take part in the Gymkhana on Saxmundham Sports Field. By 1959 Motor Ball had been introduced but never really took off, but the club had begun to hold a number of different charity rallies including the Guy Hawkes run. At the end of the year that with great shock that John Easty stepped down from the club. Over the next couple of years the club began running more and more events including grass track meetings.
During the early years the Club would hold a number of very successful dances to help to raise funds for the club. In the summer of ’59 the club ran two successful grass tracks one at Moat Farm and one at Foxborough Hall and held their first Yarmouth Run. In 1960 and again the club organised two Grass Track events, this time they were one at Bredfield and Foxborough Hall and through the kindness of our President, Major W.E.P Miller we ran the first Sidecar Grand National. The club continued to run Sporting Trails and although the club didn’t make a lot of money the riders always had a good time.
The clubs name changed from the Rendlesham Club to Woodbridge DMCC in 1966 when the club held its first Scramble at the Blaxhall Pits circuit. The day even saw a man sat beside the track with the Doomsday Book to try and see if it was allowed to race motorcycles on a Sunday.
In 1979 BBC TV visited Blaxhall to film programmes for ‘Sporting Types’. In 1981 the club purchased the land where the current car park is. In 1983 the name was official changed and the club was now known as Woodbridge & District MCC Ltd and this meant members of the clubs had to put themselves on the line and those 7 people were Jackie Whitehall, John Read, Geoff Cant, Wilf Harvey, John Fisher and Eileen and George Osborn. Without these people the club wouldn’t be in the same position today, and from that day on the Club has gone from strength to strength and run rounds of the British Championships and Qualifiers over the years.